Fitness is Very important For Girls

On top of the health benefits, exercise is an excellent way to meet new people, whether it's at a gym, a rambling or running club, or just people you meet while walking the dog.
For a woman the pressures of home and family life can also mean it feels as if there's little time left for fitness. It's certainly tough to get started and keep fitness in your goals.
So, it's worth thinking about what you gain from regular exercise and making even a partial enhancement to your fitness.
Following are the motivational reasons to attain fitness:

  • Physical inactivity is a primary risk factor for coronary heart disease - in other words, if you don't exercise you dramatically increase your risk of dying from a heart attack.
  • equally, exercise means a healthier heart because it reduces several cardiovascular risks, including high blood pressure
  • Being physically active can bolster good mental fitness and help you to manage stress, anxiety and even depression
  • Regular exercise can help you achieve and maintain an ideal weight, which can be important in managing many health conditions, or may just make you feel happier about your look
  • All exercise helps strengthen bones and muscles to some degree, but weight-bearing exercise, such as running, is especially good in promoting bone density and protecting against osteoporosis, which affects fitness of men as well as women
  • Different exercises help with all sorts of health complaints, such as digestion, poor posture and sleeplessness, and fitness activity can be beneficial for a range of medical conditions, from diabetes to lower back pain