Guide to Lose Extra Weight in Ramazan

The best month for the Muslims is the month of Ramadan that is thought to be the month of seeking countless blessings of ALLAH Almighty. Muslims fast throughout the month in order to seek blessings of God. The "Sahar" and the "Aftar" are the timings in which you can eat to your fill. But it is very compulsory for you to take a healthy diet during Ramadan and not take un-necessary food.

You can lose your weight healthy during this holy month. Moreover, the whole day fasting can improve you digestive system that can help you to remain fit and healthy.

Fried and oily food items can make you fat instead of losing weight in Ramadan. You have to be careful in your diet during the month of Ramadan if you want to loss your weight. Here is the guide to healthy Ramadan weight loss for you.
• Balanced Diet

You have to take a balance diet during Ramadan. A balance diet means you must take meal two times a day (Sahar and Iftar) in Ramadan. This meal should not be consisting of any kind of fast food because it can ruin the purpose of balance diet. But if you will follow the balance diet chart, it can help you in weight loss as well.

You meal during the Ramadan must consist of all the essential food items that are necessary for your health. These food items comprises of fruits, vegetables, cereals and milk etc. These items have minerals, vitamins and proteins in them that can restore your energy.

Cereals like wheat, oats, millets, barely and basmati rice have complex carbohydrates in them that help a lot in releasing the energy during fasting. You will remain healthy if you take these cereals in Ramadan. Try to avoid fatty foods and cola drinks in Iftar as this type of food items can make you fat and bulky instead of losing weight.
• Don't Eliminate Physical Activities

As everyone knows about the benefit of physical work for weight loss. Physical activities keep us healthy and active during fasting. Never ever eliminate the physical work during fasting. People usually think that the whole day fasting can make them lazy and good for nothing but this is the wrong concept.

If you want to remain active, and have desire to loss your weight during Ramadan, than you have to do some sort of physical work throughout your fast.
• Sahar

At Sahar time, you need to eat the food that is full of energy. Don't ever skip the Sahar meal as it is very essential for your good health during Ramadan. The food that can maintain your blood glucose level is the best food for you in Ramadan.

The perfect meal for Sahar is a glass of milk, an egg, mixed salad, some sort of fruit like apple or orange and a slice of bread. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. This will not only help you in weight loss but also maintain your energy level throughout your fast.
• Iftar

Here comes the time that everyone is waiting for! Iftar time is the time when you can break your fast and eat to overcome the appetite. Your meal in Iftar should not contain fast food if you don't want to gain weight. Your Iftar meal should consist of three dates that will boost up your energy level at once.

After eating the three enough dates you don't need the heavy meal anymore. Vegetable and rice with grilled chicken is the best food for you that will also help you in weight loss. This was all about you diet plan in the month of Ramadan.